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A Low RCS Wideband Antenna Based on Share-structure of FSA and ME-dipole Journal article
Wen, Youquan, Wong, Sai Wai, Lin, Huawei, Ji, Chunlin, Liu, Ruopeng, He, Yejun. A Low RCS Wideband Antenna Based on Share-structure of FSA and ME-dipole[J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 1-5.
Authors:  Wen, Youquan;  Wong, Sai Wai;  Lin, Huawei;  Ji, Chunlin;  Liu, Ruopeng; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.7/4.1 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Frequency-selective Absorber (Fsa)  Wideband Antenna  Radar Cross Section (Rcs)