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CEO Cultural Background and Corporate Cash Holdings (Best Paper Award) Conference paper
Chen, J.J., Qiao, Z., Loi, D.. CEO Cultural Background and Corporate Cash Holdings (Best Paper Award)[C], 2021.
Authors:  Chen, J.J.;  Qiao, Z.;  Loi, D.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/22
Managerial Characteristic  Cultural Background  Corporate Cash Holding  
Why, When, and How? An Investigation of the Cascading Impact of Abusive Supervision on Creativity Conference paper
Liu D., Liao, Hui, Loi, Raymond. Why, When, and How? An Investigation of the Cascading Impact of Abusive Supervision on Creativity[C], 2010, 269.
Authors:  Liu D.;  Liao, Hui;  Loi, Raymond
Favorite |  | Submit date:2020/01/08