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Seasonal variations in the water residence time in the Bohai Sea using 3D hydrodynamic model study and the adjoint method Journal article
Luo, Chongxin, Lin, Lei, Shi, Jie, Liu, Zhe, Cai, Zhongya, Guo, Xinyu, Gao, Huiwang. Seasonal variations in the water residence time in the Bohai Sea using 3D hydrodynamic model study and the adjoint method[J]. Ocean Dynamics, 2021, 71(2), 157-173.
Authors:  Luo, Chongxin;  Lin, Lei;  Shi, Jie;  Liu, Zhe;  Cai, Zhongya; et al.
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Adjoint Method  Bohai Sea  Monsoon Winds  Residence Time  Seasonal Variation