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A new control chart for monitoring the event frequency and magnitude Journal article
L. Qu, Z. Wu, M.B.C. Khoo, L.J. Shu. A new control chart for monitoring the event frequency and magnitude[J]. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2014, 8(6), 789-813.
Authors:  L. Qu;  Z. Wu;  M.B.C. Khoo;  L.J. Shu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:16 | Submit date:2019/12/02
Decision Making  Statistical Process Control  Spc  Control Charts  Time Between Events  Magnitude Of Event  Average Loss  
An np control chart for monitoring the mean of a variable based on an attribute inspection Journal article
Wu Z., Khoo M.B.C., Shu L., Jiang W.. An np control chart for monitoring the mean of a variable based on an attribute inspection[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2009, 121(1), 141-147.
Authors:  Wu Z.;  Khoo M.B.C.;  Shu L.;  Jiang W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:56  IF:9.8/10.3 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Attribute And Variable Control Charts  Attribute Inspection  Average Time To Signal  Loss Function  Quality Control  Statistical Process Control