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The Destruction of Everyday Writing in Early China Project
项目类型: MYRG, 项目编号: MYRG2022-00045-FAH, 资助机构: UM, 2023-2024
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/03/29
手書抑或用印?五一廣場簡牘所見的東漢憑信制度 Presentation
报告日期: 2022-06-24
Authors:  MA, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/13
Sealing: New Evidence on Literacy Practices in Early China Presentation
报告日期: 2022-04-06
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/30
真種花者:邢義田訪談錄 Book
MA, Tsang Wing. 真種花者:邢義田訪談錄[M]. Hong Kong:Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 2022.
Authors:  MA, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29
To Write or to Seal? New Evidence on Literacy Practices in Early China Conference paper
Ma, Tsang Wing. To Write or to Seal? New Evidence on Literacy Practices in Early China[C], 2022.
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/30
秦西漢時期的史、佐及行政文書的物質性:睡虎地、里耶和張家山之出土證據 Journal article
Ma, Tsang Wing. 秦西漢時期的史、佐及行政文書的物質性:睡虎地、里耶和張家山之出土證據[J]. 出土文獻, 2022.
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
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The Destroying of Everyday Writings in Ancient China Conference paper
Ma, Tsang Wing. The Destroying of Everyday Writings in Ancient China[C], 2021.
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/30
The Destruction of Everyday Writings in Early China Presentation
报告日期: 2021-11-05
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/30
Zhangjiashan Book chapter
出自: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa:Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, 页码:1-3
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/25
Han Dynasty  Empress Lü  Ernian Lüling  Zouyan Shu  
Shuihudi Book chapter
出自: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa:Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, 页码:1-3
Authors:  Ma, Tsang Wing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/25
Qin State  Qin Dynasty  Scribes  Legal Texts  Daybooks