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Nimbolide inhibits 2D and 3D prostate cancer cells migration, affects microtubules and angiogenesis and suppresses B-RAF/p.ERK-mediated in vivo tumor growth Journal article
Mahmoud, Nuha, Dawood, Mona, Huang, Qi, Ng, Jerome P.L., Ren, Fang, Wong, Vincent K.W., Efferth, Thomas. Nimbolide inhibits 2D and 3D prostate cancer cells migration, affects microtubules and angiogenesis and suppresses B-RAF/p.ERK-mediated in vivo tumor growth[J]. Phytomedicine, 2021, 94.
Authors:  Mahmoud, Nuha;  Dawood, Mona;  Huang, Qi;  Ng, Jerome P.L.;  Ren, Fang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:6.7/6.2 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Animal Study  E-cadherin  Meliaceae  Three-dimensional Spheroid  Tube-formation Assay  Tubulin Acetylation