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Intentions to seek mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic among Chinese pregnant women with probable depression or anxiety: Cross-sectional, web-based survey study Journal article
Wang, Q., Song, B., Di, J., Yang, X., Wu, A. M. S., Lau, J. T. F., Xin, M., Wang, L., Mo, P. K. H.. Intentions to seek mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic among Chinese pregnant women with probable depression or anxiety: Cross-sectional, web-based survey study[J]. JMIR Mental Health, 2021, 8(2).
Authors:  Wang, Q.;  Song, B.;  Di, J.;  Yang, X.;  Wu, A. M. S.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:17  IF:4.8/5.1 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Anxiety  Covid-19  Depression  Help-seeking  Intention  Mental Health  Mental Health Services  Pregnancy  Pregnant Women  Social Support  Survey  Trust  
The Occupy Central (Umbrella) movement and mental health distress in the Hong Kong general public: political movements and concerns as potential structural risk factors of population mental health Journal article
Lau, J. T. F., Kim, Y., Wu, A. M. S., Wang, Z., Huang, B., Mo, P. K. H.. The Occupy Central (Umbrella) movement and mental health distress in the Hong Kong general public: political movements and concerns as potential structural risk factors of population mental health[J]. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2017, 52(5), 525-536.
Authors:  Lau, J. T. F.;  Kim, Y.;  Wu, A. M. S.;  Wang, Z.;  Huang, B.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:3.6/4.5 | Submit date:2019/07/09
Chinese  Depression  Mental Health  Political Movement  Public Health  
Validation of the Social Networking Activity Intensity Scale among Junior Middle School Students in China Journal article
Li, J. B., Lau, J. T. F., Mo, P. K. H., Su, X. F., Wu, A. M. S., Tang, J., Qin, Z. G.. Validation of the Social Networking Activity Intensity Scale among Junior Middle School Students in China[J]. PLOS ONE, 2016, 11(10), e0165695.
Authors:  Li, J. B.;  Lau, J. T. F.;  Mo, P. K. H.;  Su, X. F.;  Wu, A. M. S.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:33 TC[Scopus]:39  IF:2.9/3.3 | Submit date:2019/07/31
Internet Addiction  College-students  Site Use  Facebook Friends  Fit Indexes  Online  Health  Adolescents  Association  Depression  
Personalized chemotherapy profiling using cancer cell lines from selectable mice Journal article
Kamiyama H., Rauenzahn S., Shim J.S., Karikari C.A., Feldmann G., Hua L., Kamiyama M., Schuler F.W., Lin M.-T., Beaty R.M., Karanam B., Liang H., Mullendore M.E., Mo G., Hidalgo M., Jaffee E., Hruban R.H., Jinnah H.A., Roden R.B.S., Jimeno A., Liu J.O., Maitra A., Eshleman J.R.. Personalized chemotherapy profiling using cancer cell lines from selectable mice[J]. Clinical Cancer Research, 2013, 19(5), 1139-1146.
Authors:  Kamiyama H.;  Rauenzahn S.;  Shim J.S.;  Karikari C.A.;  Feldmann G.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:22 TC[Scopus]:24 | Submit date:2019/01/15