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Mind the gap: Development and validation of an evolutionary mismatched lifestyle scale and its impact on health and wellbeing Journal article
O, Jiaqing, Aspden, Trefor, Thomas, Andrew G., Chang, Lei, Ho, Moon Ho Ringo, Li, Norman P., van Vugt, Mark. Mind the gap: Development and validation of an evolutionary mismatched lifestyle scale and its impact on health and wellbeing[J]. Heliyon, 2024, 10(15), e34997.
Authors:  O, Jiaqing;  Aspden, Trefor;  Thomas, Andrew G.;  Chang, Lei;  Ho, Moon Ho Ringo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.4/3.9 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Environment  Evolutionary Mismatch  Health  Lifestyle  Scale Construction  Wellbeing  
Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction: The Role of Dialecticism Journal article
Ethan Zell, Rong Su, Hong L, Moon-Ho Ringo Ho, Sungjin Hong, Tarcan Kumkale, Sarah D. Stauffer, Gregory Zecca, Huajian Cai, Sonia Roccas, Javier Arce-Michel, Cristina de Sousa, Rolando Diaz-Loving, Maria Mercedes Botero, Lucia Mannetti, Claudia Garcia, Pilar Carrera, Amparo Cabalero, Masatake Ikemi, Darius Chan, Allan Bernardo, Fernando Garcia, Inge Brechan, Greg Maio, Dolores Albarracı´n. Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction: The Role of Dialecticism[J]. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PERSONALITY SCIENCE, 2013, 4(5), 521-528.
Authors:  Ethan Zell;  Rong Su;  Hong L;  Moon-Ho Ringo Ho;  Sungjin Hong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:25 TC[Scopus]:30  IF:4.3/4.8 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Action Research  Attitudes  Attitudinal Ambivalence  Culture And Cognition  Culture/ethnicity