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Preparation of xylooligosaccharides from xylan by controlled acid hydrolysis and fast protein liquid chromatography coupled with refractive index detection Journal article
Zhen-Yan Yang, Ding-Tao Wu, Cun-Wu Chen, Kit-Leong Cheong, Yong Deng, Ling-Xiao Chen, Bang-Xing Han, Nai-Fu Chen, Jing Zhao, Shao-Ping Li. Preparation of xylooligosaccharides from xylan by controlled acid hydrolysis and fast protein liquid chromatography coupled with refractive index detection[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 171, 151-156.
Authors:  Zhen-Yan Yang;  Ding-Tao Wu;  Cun-Wu Chen;  Kit-Leong Cheong;  Yong Deng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:8.1/7.6 | Submit date:2018/12/28
Anion Exchange Chromatography  Controlled Acid Hydrolysis  Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography-refractive Index Detection  Size Exclusion Chromatography  Xylooligosaccharides  
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of specific polysaccharides in Dendrobium huoshanense by using saccharide mapping and chromatographic methods Journal article
Yong Deng, Ling-Xiao Chen, Bang-Xing Han, Ding-Tao Wu, Kit-Leong Cheong, Nai-Fu Chen, Jing Zhao, Shao-Ping Li. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of specific polysaccharides in Dendrobium huoshanense by using saccharide mapping and chromatographic methods[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016, 129, 163-171.
Authors:  Yong Deng;  Ling-Xiao Chen;  Bang-Xing Han;  Ding-Tao Wu;  Kit-Leong Cheong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:51 TC[Scopus]:57  IF:3.1/3.1 | Submit date:2018/12/28
Dendrobium Huoshanense  Hpsec-malls-rid  Pace  Saccharide Mapping  Specific Polysaccharides