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Photosensitization of ZnO nanowire-based electrodes using one-step hydrothermally synthesized CdSe/CdS (core/shell) sensitizer Journal article
Hui K.N., Hui K.S., Zhang X.L., Mane R.S., Naushad M.. Photosensitization of ZnO nanowire-based electrodes using one-step hydrothermally synthesized CdSe/CdS (core/shell) sensitizer[J]. Solar Energy, 2016, 125, 125-134.
Authors:  Hui K.N.;  Hui K.S.;  Zhang X.L.;  Mane R.S.;  Naushad M.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:17  IF:6.0/6.1 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Cds At Cdse  Morphology  Photoelectrochemical Cells  Photoluminescence  Structure  
Synthesis and electrochemical supercapacitive performance of nickel-manganese ferrite composite films Journal article
Zate M.K., Shaikh S.M.F., Jadhav V.V., Tehare K.K., Kolekar S.S., Mane R.S., Naushad M., Pawar B.N., Hui K.N.. Synthesis and electrochemical supercapacitive performance of nickel-manganese ferrite composite films[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 116, 177-182.
Authors:  Zate M.K.;  Shaikh S.M.F.;  Jadhav V.V.;  Tehare K.K.;  Kolekar S.S.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:39 TC[Scopus]:45  IF:5.8/5.7 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Cyclic-voltammetry  Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy  Electrochemical Supercapacitors  Specific Capacitance  Spinel Ferrite  Spray Pyrolysis  
Influence of Bi3+-doping on the magnetic and Mössbauer properties of spinel cobalt ferrite Journal article
Gore S.K., Mane R.S., Naushad M., Jadhav S.S., Zate M.K., Alothman Z.A., Hui B.K.N.. Influence of Bi3+-doping on the magnetic and Mössbauer properties of spinel cobalt ferrite[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44(14), 6384-6390.
Authors:  Gore S.K.;  Mane R.S.;  Naushad M.;  Jadhav S.S.;  Zate M.K.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:110 TC[Scopus]:120  IF:3.5/3.3 | Submit date:2019/04/08