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Efficient Anti-solvent-free Spin-Coated and Printed Sn-Perovskite Solar Cells with Crystal-Based Precursor Solutions Journal article
He, Lintao, Gu, Hao, Liu, Xiaolong, Li, Pengwei, Dang, Yangyang, Liang, Chao, Ono, Luis K., Qi, Yabing, Tao, Xutang. Efficient Anti-solvent-free Spin-Coated and Printed Sn-Perovskite Solar Cells with Crystal-Based Precursor Solutions[J]. Matter, 2020, 2(1), 167-180.
Authors:  He, Lintao;  Gu, Hao;  Liu, Xiaolong;  Li, Pengwei;  Dang, Yangyang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:42 TC[Scopus]:42  IF:17.3/18.9 | Submit date:2021/12/03