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Piezoelectric and magnetoelectric behaviors of multifunctional cement-based laminated composites Journal article
Pang,Cuijuan, Hou,Dongshuai, Li,Zongjin. Piezoelectric and magnetoelectric behaviors of multifunctional cement-based laminated composites[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 180, 334-341.
Authors:  Pang,Cuijuan;  Hou,Dongshuai;  Li,Zongjin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:7.4/8.0 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Cement-based  Composite  Laminated  Magnetoelectric  Thickness Ratio  
Magnetostrictive strain monitoring of cement-based magnetoelectric composites in a variable magnetic field by fiber Bragg grating Journal article
Pei, Huafu, Pang, Cuijuan, Zhu, Bin, Li, Zongjin. Magnetostrictive strain monitoring of cement-based magnetoelectric composites in a variable magnetic field by fiber Bragg grating[J]. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2017, 149, 904-910.
Authors:  Pei, Huafu;  Pang, Cuijuan;  Zhu, Bin;  Li, Zongjin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:7.4/8.0 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Fiber Bragg Grating  Magnetostrictive Strain  Magnetic Interference  Monitoring