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Regular Tai Chi Practice Is Associated With Improved Memory as Well as Structural and Functional Alterations of the Hippocampus in the Elderly Journal article
Yue,Chunlin, Yu,Qian, Zhang,Yanjie, Herold,Fabian, Mei,Jian, Kong,Zhaowei, Perrey,Stephane, Liu,Jiao, Müller,Notger G., Zhang,Zonghao, Tao,Yuliu, Kramer,Arthur, Becker,Benjamin, Zou,Liye. Regular Tai Chi Practice Is Associated With Improved Memory as Well as Structural and Functional Alterations of the Hippocampus in the Elderly[J]. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2020, 12, 586770.
Authors:  Yue,Chunlin;  Yu,Qian;  Zhang,Yanjie;  Herold,Fabian;  Mei,Jian; et al.
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Delayed Memory  Gray Matter Density  Regional Homogeneity  Tai Chi  Walking