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Translating traditional herbal formulas into modern drugs: A network-based analysis of Xiaoyao decoction Journal article
Zhang,Daiyan, Zhang,Yun, Gao,Yan, Chai,Xingyun, Pi,Rongbiao, Chan,Ging, Hu,Yuanjia. Translating traditional herbal formulas into modern drugs: A network-based analysis of Xiaoyao decoction[J]. Chinese Medicine, 2020, 15(1), 25.
Authors:  Zhang,Daiyan;  Zhang,Yun;  Gao,Yan;  Chai,Xingyun;  Pi,Rongbiao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:23  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2021/03/01
Network Pharmacology  Traditional Chinese Medicine  Xiaoyao Decoction  
Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows Journal article
Liu, Kunmeng, Lin, Hui-Heng, Pi, Rongbiao, Mak, Shinghung, Han, Yifan, Hu, Yuanjia. Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows[J]. EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS, 2018, 28(4), 341-350.
Authors:  Liu, Kunmeng;  Lin, Hui-Heng;  Pi, Rongbiao;  Mak, Shinghung;  Han, Yifan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:5.4/6.4 | Submit date:2018/10/31
Alzheimer's Disease  Patent  Technology Flow  Citation Network  Research And Development  
Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows Journal article
Liu, Kunmeng, Lin, Hui-Heng, Pi, Rongbiao, Mak, Shinghung, Han, Yifan, Hu, Yuanjia. Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows[J]. EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS, 2018, 28(4), 341-350.
Authors:  Liu, Kunmeng;  Lin, Hui-Heng;  Pi, Rongbiao;  Mak, Shinghung;  Han, Yifan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:5.4/6.4 | Submit date:2018/10/31
Alzheimer's Disease  Patent  Technology Flow  Citation Network  Research And Development  
Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows Journal article
Liu, Kunmeng, Lin, Hui-Heng, Pi, Rongbiao, Mak, Shinghung, Han, Yifan, Hu, Yuanjia. Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows[J]. EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS, 2018, 28(4), 341-350.
Authors:  Liu, Kunmeng;  Lin, Hui-Heng;  Pi, Rongbiao;  Mak, Shinghung;  Han, Yifan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:5.4/6.4 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Alzheimer's Disease  Patent  Technology Flow  Citation Network  Research And Development  
Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows Journal article
Liu, Kunmeng, Lin, Hui-Heng, Pi, Rongbiao, Mak, Shinghung, Han, Yifan, Hu, Yuanjia. Research and development of anti-Alzheimer's disease drugs: an update from the perspective of technology flows[J]. EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS, 2018, 28(4), 341-350.
Authors:  Liu, Kunmeng;  Lin, Hui-Heng;  Pi, Rongbiao;  Mak, Shinghung;  Han, Yifan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:5.4/6.4 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Alzheimer's Disease  Patent  Technology Flow  Citation Network  Research And Development