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Novel zebrafish polycystic kidney disease models reveal functions of the hippo pathway in renal cystogenesis Journal article
Ren, Zhiqin, Zhang, Zhiwei, Liu, Tzu Ming, Ge, Wei. Novel zebrafish polycystic kidney disease models reveal functions of the hippo pathway in renal cystogenesis[J]. DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms, 2021, 14(11).
Authors:  Ren, Zhiqin;  Zhang, Zhiwei;  Liu, Tzu Ming;  Ge, Wei
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Hippo Signaling Pathway  Kidney Development  Polycystic Kidney Disease  Renal Cyst Formation  Zebrafish Model  
Genetic evidence for Amh modulation of gonadotropin actions to control gonadal homeostasis and gametogenesis in zebrafish and its noncanonical signaling through Bmpr2a receptor Journal article
Zhang,Zhiwei, Wu,Kun, Ren,Zhiqin, Ge,Wei. Genetic evidence for Amh modulation of gonadotropin actions to control gonadal homeostasis and gametogenesis in zebrafish and its noncanonical signaling through Bmpr2a receptor[J]. Development (Cambridge, England), 2020, 147(22), dev189811.
Authors:  Zhang,Zhiwei;  Wu,Kun;  Ren,Zhiqin;  Ge,Wei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:3.7/5.0 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Anti-müllerian Hormone  Gonadal Development  Folliculogenesis  Spermatogenesis  Zebrafish