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Control of Shape and Size in Iron Fluoride Porous Sub-Microspheres: Consequences for Steric Hindrance Interaction Journal article
Song, Weibing, Lu, Hongyu, Zhao, Wenlong, Cao, Xiaofei, Yan, Lei, Zhao, Jingxin, Li, Neng, Tang, Yuxin, Hu, Jun. Control of Shape and Size in Iron Fluoride Porous Sub-Microspheres: Consequences for Steric Hindrance Interaction[J]. Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 2021, 3, 710348.
Authors:  Song, Weibing;  Lu, Hongyu;  Zhao, Wenlong;  Cao, Xiaofei;  Yan, Lei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.1/4.3 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Formation Mechanism  Iron-based Fluoride  Porous Sub-microspheres  Sodium Ion Batteries  Steric Hindrance