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Barriers and Facilitators to Interventions Improving Retention in HIV Care: A Qualitative Evidence Meta-Synthesis Journal article
Hall,Brian J., Sou,Ka Lon, Beanland,Rachel, Lacky,Mellanye, Tso,Lai Sze, Ma,Qingyan, Doherty,Meg, Tucker,Joseph D.. Barriers and Facilitators to Interventions Improving Retention in HIV Care: A Qualitative Evidence Meta-Synthesis[J]. AIDS and Behavior, 2019, 21(6), 1755-1767.
Authors:  Hall,Brian J.;  Sou,Ka Lon;  Beanland,Rachel;  Lacky,Mellanye;  Tso,Lai Sze; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:76 TC[Scopus]:80 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Arv  Care Continuum  Hiv  Meta-synthesis  Retention  
Enhancing Public Health HIV Interventions: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis and Systematic Review of Studies to Improve Linkage to Care, Adherence, and Retention Journal article
Tucker,Joseph D., Tso,Lai Sze, Hall,Brian, Ma,Qingyan, Beanland,Rachel, Best,John, Li,Haochu, Lackey,Mellanye, Marley,Gifty, Rich,Zachary C., Sou,Ka lon, Doherty,Meg. Enhancing Public Health HIV Interventions: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis and Systematic Review of Studies to Improve Linkage to Care, Adherence, and Retention[J]. EBioMedicine, 2019, 17, 163-171.
Authors:  Tucker,Joseph D.;  Tso,Lai Sze;  Hall,Brian;  Ma,Qingyan;  Beanland,Rachel; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:41 TC[Scopus]:44 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Hiv  Intervention  Public Health  Qualitative  Systematic Review  
Exploring the association between depression and shenjing shuairuo in a population representative epidemiological study of Chinese adults in Guangzhou, China Journal article
Hall, Brian J., Chang, Kay, Chen, Wen, Sou, Ka Lon, Latkin, Carl, Yeung, Albert. Exploring the association between depression and shenjing shuairuo in a population representative epidemiological study of Chinese adults in Guangzhou, China[J]. TRANSCULTURAL PSYCHIATRY, 2018, 55(6), 733-753.
Authors:  Hall, Brian J.;  Chang, Kay;  Chen, Wen;  Sou, Ka Lon;  Latkin, Carl; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:15  IF:2.5/2.7 | Submit date:2019/01/17
Chinese  Culture Bound Syndrome  Depression  Neurasthenia  Shenjing Shuairuo  
Barriers and Facilitators to Interventions Improving Retention in HIV Care: A Qualitative Evidence Meta-Synthesis Journal article
Hall, Brian J., Sou, Ka-Lon, Beanland, Rachel, Lacky, Mellanye, Tso, Lai Sze, Ma, Qingyan, Doherty, Meg, Tucker, Joseph D.. Barriers and Facilitators to Interventions Improving Retention in HIV Care: A Qualitative Evidence Meta-Synthesis[J]. AIDS AND BEHAVIOR, 2017, 21(6), 1755-1767.
Authors:  Hall, Brian J.;  Sou, Ka-Lon;  Beanland, Rachel;  Lacky, Mellanye;  Tso, Lai Sze; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:76 TC[Scopus]:79  IF:2.7/3.3 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Hiv  Retention  Care Continuum  Meta-synthesis  Arv  
Barriers and Facilitators to Interventions Improving Retention in HIV Care: A Qualitative Evidence Meta-Synthesis Journal article
Hall,Brian J., Sou,Ka Lon, Beanland,Rachel, Lacky,Mellanye, Tso,Lai Sze, Ma,Qingyan, Doherty,Meg, Tucker,Joseph D.. Barriers and Facilitators to Interventions Improving Retention in HIV Care: A Qualitative Evidence Meta-Synthesis[J]. AIDS and Behavior, 2017, 21(6), 1755-1767.
Authors:  Hall,Brian J.;  Sou,Ka Lon;  Beanland,Rachel;  Lacky,Mellanye;  Tso,Lai Sze; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:76 TC[Scopus]:80 | Submit date:2019/07/12
Arv  Care Continuum  Hiv  Meta-synthesis  Retention  
Enhancing Public Health HIV Interventions: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis and Systematic Review of Studies to Improve Linkage to Care, Adherence, and Retention Journal article
Tucker, Joseph D., Tso, Lai Sze, Hall, Brian, Ma, Qingyan, Beanland, Rachel, Best, John, Li, Haochu, Lackey, Mellanye, Marley, Gifty, Rich, Zachary C., Sou, Ka-lon, Doherty, Meg. Enhancing Public Health HIV Interventions: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis and Systematic Review of Studies to Improve Linkage to Care, Adherence, and Retention[J]. EBIOMEDICINE, 2017, 17, 163-171.
Authors:  Tucker, Joseph D.;  Tso, Lai Sze;  Hall, Brian;  Ma, Qingyan;  Beanland, Rachel; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:41 TC[Scopus]:44  IF:9.7/9.2 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Hiv  Public Health  Intervention  Qualitative  Systematic Review  
Enhancing Public Health HIV Interventions: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis and Systematic Review of Studies to Improve Linkage to Care, Adherence, and Retention Journal article
Tucker,Joseph D., Tso,Lai Sze, Hall,Brian, Ma,Qingyan, Beanland,Rachel, Best,John, Li,Haochu, Lackey,Mellanye, Marley,Gifty, Rich,Zachary C., Sou,Ka lon, Doherty,Meg. Enhancing Public Health HIV Interventions: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis and Systematic Review of Studies to Improve Linkage to Care, Adherence, and Retention[J]. EBioMedicine, 2017, 17, 163-171.
Authors:  Tucker,Joseph D.;  Tso,Lai Sze;  Hall,Brian;  Ma,Qingyan;  Beanland,Rachel; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:41 TC[Scopus]:44 | Submit date:2019/07/12
Hiv  Intervention  Public Health  Qualitative  Systematic Review