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Enzyme kinetic and molecular docking studies for the inhibitions of miltirone on major human cytochrome P450 isozymes Journal article
Zhou X., Wang Y., Hu T., Or P.M.Y., Wong J., Kwan Y.W., Wan D.C.C., Hoi P.M., Lai P.B.S., Yeung J.H.K.. Enzyme kinetic and molecular docking studies for the inhibitions of miltirone on major human cytochrome P450 isozymes[J]. Phytomedicine, 2013, 20(3-4), 367-374.
Authors:  Zhou X.;  Wang Y.;  Hu T.;  Or P.M.Y.;  Wong J.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:43 TC[Scopus]:48  IF:6.7/6.2 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Cytochrome P450  Miltirone  Molecular Docking  Probe Substrates  Salvia Miltiorrhiza