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Upregulation of phosphoserine phosphatase contributes to tumor progression and predicts poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer patients Journal article
Li Liao, Huajian Yu, Mengxi Ge, Qiong Zhan, Ruofan Huang, Xiaoyu Ji, Xiaohua Liang, Xinli Zhou. Upregulation of phosphoserine phosphatase contributes to tumor progression and predicts poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer patients[J]. Thoracic Cancer, 2019, 10(5), 1203-1212.
Authors:  Li Liao;  Huajian Yu;  Mengxi Ge;  Qiong Zhan;  Ruofan Huang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:2.3/2.8 | Submit date:2020/03/10
Akt/ampk Signaling Pathway  Metastasis  Nsclc  Proliferation  Psph