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Bayesian time domain approach for damping identification and uncertainty quantification in stay cables using free vibration response Journal article
Feng, Zhouquan, Zhang, Jiren, Xuan, Xinyan, Wang, Yafei, Hua, Xugang, Chen, Zhengqing, Yan, Wangji. Bayesian time domain approach for damping identification and uncertainty quantification in stay cables using free vibration response[J]. Engineering Structures, 2024, 315, 118477.
Authors:  Feng, Zhouquan;  Zhang, Jiren;  Xuan, Xinyan;  Wang, Yafei;  Hua, Xugang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:5.6/5.8 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Bayesian Inference  Damping Ratios  Free Vibration  Modal Identification  Stay Cables  Time Domain  Uncertainty Quantification  
How do Chinese journalist-podcasters manage the dilemma of podcast intimacy and trust? Conference paper
Wang, Haiyan, Yan, Zhengqing, Meng, Jing. How do Chinese journalist-podcasters manage the dilemma of podcast intimacy and trust?[C], 2024.
Authors:  Wang, Haiyan;  Yan, Zhengqing;  Meng, Jing
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/08/20