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Design and construction of hollow nanocube NiMoO4 electrode with high performance for asymmetric supercapacitor Journal article
Jianfei Chen, Haiyan Zhang, Haowei Wang, Yingxi Lin, Yudie Tang, Huaiyu Shao, Shuqi Zhang. Design and construction of hollow nanocube NiMoO4 electrode with high performance for asymmetric supercapacitor[J]. Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 2022, 13(1), 79-88.
Authors:  Jianfei Chen;  Haiyan Zhang;  Haowei Wang;  Yingxi Lin;  Yudie Tang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:8.6/8.6 | Submit date:2022/10/07
Asymmetric Supercapacitor  High Performance  Hollow Nimoo4 Nanocubes  Structural Design  
Few-layer MoS2 embedded in N-doped carbon fibers with interconnected macropores for ultrafast sodium storage Journal article
Cheng,Ao, Zhang,Haiyan, Zhong,Weihao, Li,Zhaopeng, Cheng,Dejian, Lin,Yingxi, Tang,Yudie, Shao,Huaiyu, Li,Zhenghui. Few-layer MoS2 embedded in N-doped carbon fibers with interconnected macropores for ultrafast sodium storage[J]. CARBON, 2020, 168, 691-700.
Authors:  Cheng,Ao;  Zhang,Haiyan;  Zhong,Weihao;  Li,Zhaopeng;  Cheng,Dejian; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:59 TC[Scopus]:56  IF:10.5/9.2 | Submit date:2021/03/11