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Improving the Cellular Internalization of Zr(IV) Nanocages by Tuning Hydrophilicity and Lipophilicity Journal article
Du, Shunfu, Lyu, Jinxiao, Yu, Zhenfeng, Su, Kongzhao, Wang, Wenjing, Zhang, Xuanjun, Yuan, Daqiang. Improving the Cellular Internalization of Zr(IV) Nanocages by Tuning Hydrophilicity and Lipophilicity[J]. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2024, e202419602.
Authors:  Du, Shunfu;  Lyu, Jinxiao;  Yu, Zhenfeng;  Su, Kongzhao;  Wang, Wenjing; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:16.1/16.2 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Coordination Cages  Cellular Uptake  Live-cell Imaging  Zirconium  
“Swiss Army Knife” black phosphorus-based nanodelivery platform for synergistic antiparkinsonian therapy via remodeling the brain microenvironment Journal article
Guowang Cheng, Zhongjun Li, Yujing Liu, Rui Ma, Xiaojia Chen, Wen Liu, Yafang Song, Yuan Zhang, Guangtao Yu, Zhenfeng Wu, Tongkai Chen. “Swiss Army Knife” black phosphorus-based nanodelivery platform for synergistic antiparkinsonian therapy via remodeling the brain microenvironment[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2022, 353, 752-766.
Authors:  Guowang Cheng;  Zhongjun Li;  Yujing Liu;  Rui Ma;  Xiaojia Chen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:10.5/10.6 | Submit date:2023/02/01
Parkinson's Disease  Neuroinflammation  Α-synuclein  Blood-brain Barrier  Black Phosphorus Nanosheets  Neuroprotection