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Weituo shen zai Zhongguo de chongsu yu zhuanhua 韦驮神在中国的重塑与转化 Journal article
ZHU TIAN SHU. Weituo shen zai Zhongguo de chongsu yu zhuanhua 韦驮神在中国的重塑与转化[J]. Foxue yanjiu 佛学研究, 2024(1), 191-210.
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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韦驮 韦将军 僧团护法神 中国化 制度化  
“The Indian Elements of the Qingzhou Style of Buddha Images in China Book chapter
出自: Transcending Boundaries: Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia: Essays in Honour of Professor Osmund Bopearachchi, Delhi::Primus books, 2024, 页码:369-383
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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树下说法:佛教艺术里的说法图的发展 Presentation
会议地点: Dunhuang, 会议日期: June 8-11, 2024, 报告日期: 2024-06-01
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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众神与众神之民的济济之地----城市现代化进程中的澳门民间寺庙发展史 Presentation
会议地点: University of Macau, 会议日期: June 26-27, 2024, 报告日期: 2024-06-01
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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Qingzhou Beiqi foxiang li de Yindu yuansu jiexi青州北齊佛像裏的印度元素解析 Journal article
ZHU TIAN SHU. Qingzhou Beiqi foxiang li de Yindu yuansu jiexi青州北齊佛像裏的印度元素解析[J]. Meishu daguan美术大观, 2023(12), 4-11.
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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Ox-head, Horse-face and the Little-ghost: Images of the Hell-keepers (nārakapalas) in Buddhist Art Presentation
会议地点: Warsaw, Poland, 会议日期: Nov. 13-15 2023, 报告日期: 2023-11-14
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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Ox-head, Horse-face, Little-ghost, Buddhist Art  
长带飘飘——中国古代图像中的特殊服饰 Presentation
会议地点: Chengdu, Sichuan, Sichuan University, 会议日期: Oct 15-16, 2023, 报告日期: 2023-10-01
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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Buddhist Art, Scarf  
Religious Art of Medieval China, Journal
创刊日期: 2023, 收录类别: A&HCI, 出版者: Religions (ISSN 2077-1444), ISSN: (ISSN 2077-1444)
Authors:  ZHU TIAN SHU
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Art History, Chinese Religions, Buddhist Art  
Lute, Sword, Snake, and Parasol—The Formation of the Standard Iconography of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chinese Buddhist Art Journal article
Zhu TS(朱天舒). Lute, Sword, Snake, and Parasol—The Formation of the Standard Iconography of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chinese Buddhist Art[J]. Religions, 2023, 14(6), 798.
Authors:  Zhu TS(朱天舒)
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Four Heavenly Kings  Khara Khoto  Lute‑sword‑snake‑parasol  
长带飘飘--中国古代图像中的特殊服饰 Journal article
朱天舒. 长带飘飘--中国古代图像中的特殊服饰[J]. Xingxiang shixue形象史学, 2023, 26(2), 17-56.
Authors:  朱天舒
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