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Data-driven estimation for multi-threshold accelerate failure time model Journal article
Wan, C, Zeng, H., Zhang, W., Zhong, W., Zou, C.. Data-driven estimation for multi-threshold accelerate failure time model[J]. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2025, 52(1), 447-468.
Authors:  Wan, C;  Zeng, H.;  Zhang, W.;  Zhong, W.;  Zou, C.
Favorite |   IF:0.8/1.1 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Genetic and Epigenetic Evidence for Nonestrogenic Disruption of Otolith Development by Bisphenol A in Zebrafish Journal article
Yuan, Mingzhe, Zeng, Chu, Lu, Huijie, Yue, Yiming, Sun, Ting, Zhou, Xianqing, Li, Gang, Ai, Nana, Ge, Wei. Genetic and Epigenetic Evidence for Nonestrogenic Disruption of Otolith Development by Bisphenol A in Zebrafish[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2023, 57(43), 16190-16205.
Authors:  Yuan, Mingzhe;  Zeng, Chu;  Lu, Huijie;  Yue, Yiming;  Sun, Ting; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:10.8/11.6 | Submit date:2023/12/28
Bisphenol a  Crispr/cas9  Epigenetics  Otolith Malformation  Zebrafish  
Estrogenic and non-estrogenic effects of bisphenol A and its action mechanism in the zebrafish model: An overview of the past two decades of work Review article
Authors:  Yuan, Mingzhe;  Chen, Shan;  Zeng, Chu;  Fan, Yuqin;  Ge, Wei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:25 TC[Scopus]:28  IF:10.3/11.1 | Submit date:2023/07/19
Bisphenol a  Epigenetics  Estrogenic Effects  Non-estrogenic Effects  Oxidative Stress  Transgenerational Inheritance  Zebrafish  
Far infrared irradiation suppresses experimental arthritis in rats by down-regulation of genes involved inflammatory response and autoimmunity Journal article
Chen, Xi, Zhang, Hui, Zeng, Wu, Wang, Nick, Lo, Hang Hong, Ip, Chi Kio, Yang, Li Jun, Hsiao, W. L.Wendy, Sin, Wai Man, Xia, Chenglai, Law, Betty Yuen Kwan, Wong, Vincent Kam Wai. Far infrared irradiation suppresses experimental arthritis in rats by down-regulation of genes involved inflammatory response and autoimmunity[J]. Journal of Advanced Research, 2022, 38, 107-118.
Authors:  Chen, Xi;  Zhang, Hui;  Zeng, Wu;  Wang, Nick;  Lo, Hang Hong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:11.4/11.0 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Adjuvant-induced Arthritis (Aia)  Autoimmunity  Far Infrared Irradiation (Fir)  Inflammatory Response  Transcription Factors  
A 95% Peak Efficiency Modified KY (Boost) Converter for IoT with Continuous Flying Capacitor Charging in DCM Conference paper
Zeng, W. L., Pan, C., Lam, C. S., Sin, S. W., Zhan, C., Martins, R. P.. A 95% Peak Efficiency Modified KY (Boost) Converter for IoT with Continuous Flying Capacitor Charging in DCM[C], USA:IEEE, 2021, 1-3.
Authors:  Zeng, W. L.;  Pan, C.;  Lam, C. S.;  Sin, S. W.;  Zhan, C.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2022/01/25
Dc-dc Converters  Double-clock-time (Dct) Control  Power Switch Adaptive Sizing Technique  Clocked-feedback Resistor Network  
基于FRP与UHPC组合的新型构件及其性能研究 Presentation
会议地点: 东莞, 中国, 会议日期: 28-30 May 2021, 报告日期: 2021-05-29
Authors:  Zeng, J.J.;  Ye, Y.Y.;  Zhou, J.k.;  Zhuge, Y.;  Quach, W. M.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/25
基于FRP与UHPC组合的新型构件及其性能研究 Conference paper
Zeng, J.J., Ye, Y.Y., ZHOU, J.K., Zhuge, Y., Quach, W. M., Liao, J.J.. 基于FRP与UHPC组合的新型构件及其性能研究[C], 东莞:东莞理工学院, 广东工业大学, 2021.
Authors:  Zeng, J.J.;  Ye, Y.Y.;  ZHOU, J.K.;  Zhuge, Y.;  Quach, W. M.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/25
Frp  Uhpc  Frp格栅  Frp筋  Frp筋混凝土结构  约束混凝土  
Platinum-crosslinking polymeric nanoparticle for synergetic chemoradiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma Journal article
Ding, Yuxun, Xiao, Xiaohui, Zeng, Lingli, Shang, Qiuping, Jiang, Wei, Xiong, Sha, Duan, Xiaohui, Shen, Jun, Wang, Ruibing, Guo, Jinshan, Pan, Yue. Platinum-crosslinking polymeric nanoparticle for synergetic chemoradiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J]. Bioactive Materials, 2021, 6(12), 4707-4716.
Authors:  Ding, Yuxun;  Xiao, Xiaohui;  Zeng, Lingli;  Shang, Qiuping;  Jiang, Wei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:26  IF:18.0/18.2 | Submit date:2021/12/09
Chemoradiotherapy  Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Npc)  Polymeric Nanoparticles  Precise Treatment  
Fast and Robust Dictionary-based Classification for Image Data Journal article
Zeng, S., Zhang, B., Gou, J., Xu, Y., Huang, W.. Fast and Robust Dictionary-based Classification for Image Data[J]. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 2021, 15(6), 97.
Authors:  Zeng, S.;  Zhang, B.;  Gou, J.;  Xu, Y.;  Huang, W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:4.0/3.9 | Submit date:2022/07/13
Image Classification  Regularization  Sparse Representation  Dictionary Learning  Svd  
Ultrasensitive ethanol sensor based on segregated ZnO-In2O3 porous nanosheets Journal article
Yan, W, Chen, Y, Zeng, X, Wu, G, Jiang, W, Wei, D, Ling, M, Ng, K. W., Qin, Y. Ultrasensitive ethanol sensor based on segregated ZnO-In2O3 porous nanosheets[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 147697-147697.
Authors:  Yan, W;  Chen, Y;  Zeng, X;  Wu, G;  Jiang, W; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:64 TC[Scopus]:70  IF:6.3/5.9 | Submit date:2022/08/01
Zno-in2o3  Heterojunction  Ethanol Sensor  Chemi-resistive