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Thirteen Dipterocarpoideae genomes provide insights into their evolution and borneol biosynthesis Journal article
Tian, Zunzhe, Zeng, Peng, Lu, Xiaoyun, Zhou, Tinggan, Han, Yuwei, Peng, Yingmei, Xiao, Yunxue, Zhou, Botong, Liu, Xue, Zhang, Yongting, Yu, Yang, Li, Qiong, Zong, Hang, Zhang, Feining, Jiang, Huifeng, He, Juan, Cai, Jing. Thirteen Dipterocarpoideae genomes provide insights into their evolution and borneol biosynthesis[J]. Plant Communications, 2022, 3(6), 100464.
Authors:  Tian, Zunzhe;  Zeng, Peng;  Lu, Xiaoyun;  Zhou, Tinggan;  Han, Yuwei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:9.4/9.4 | Submit date:2022/12/01
Borneol  Cellulose Synthase  Chromosome Evolution  Dipterocarpoideae  Genome  
Comparison of ONT and CCS sequencing technologies on the polyploid genome of a medicinal plant showed that high error rate of ONT reads are not suitable for self-correction Journal article
Zeng, Peng, Tian, Zunzhe, Han, Yuwei, Zhang, Weixiong, Zhou, Tinggan, Peng, Yingmei, Hu, Hao, Cai, Jing. Comparison of ONT and CCS sequencing technologies on the polyploid genome of a medicinal plant showed that high error rate of ONT reads are not suitable for self-correction[J]. Chinese Medicine, 2022, 17(1), 94.
Authors:  Zeng, Peng;  Tian, Zunzhe;  Han, Yuwei;  Zhang, Weixiong;  Zhou, Tinggan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Ont-based Assembly  Allotetraploid  Veratrum Dahuricum  Low-quality Sequences  Homozygous Variants  
Mesenchymal stem cell treatment improves outcome of COVID-19 patients via multiple immunomodulatory mechanisms Journal article
Rongjia Zhu, Tingdong Yan, Yingmei Feng, Yan Liu, Hongcui Cao, Gongxin Peng, Yanlei Yang, Zhen Xu, Jingqi Liu, Wei Hou, Xiaoyue Wang, Zhe Li, Luchan Deng, Shihua Wang, Jing Li, Qin Han, Hongling Li, Guangliang Shan, Yinghao Cao, Xingyan An, Jianshe Yan, Zhonghui Zhang, Huafei Li, Xuebin Qu, Jiaqi Zhu, Shumin Zhou, Jiao Wang, Fengchun Zhang, Jinming Gao, Ronghua Jin, Dayong Xu, Yan Qing Ma, Tao Huang, Shuang Peng, Zhi Zheng, Ilia Stambler, Eric Gilson, Lee Wei Lim, Alexey Moskalev, Antonio Cano, Sasanka Chakrabarti, Brun Ulfhake, Huanxing Su, Haoying Xu, Sihuan Xu, Feng Wei, Holly M. Brown-Borg, Kyung Jin Min, Georgina Ellison-Hughes, Calogero Caruso, Kunlin Jin, Robert Chunhua Zhao. Mesenchymal stem cell treatment improves outcome of COVID-19 patients via multiple immunomodulatory mechanisms[J]. Cell Research, 2021, 31(12), 1244-1262.
Authors:  Rongjia Zhu;  Tingdong Yan;  Yingmei Feng;  Yan Liu;  Hongcui Cao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:88 TC[Scopus]:93  IF:28.1/36.4 | Submit date:2022/01/14
Transplantation of ACE2- Mesenchymal stem cells improves the outcome of patients with covid-19 pneumonia Journal article
Leng,Zikuan, Zhu,Rongjia, Hou,Wei, Feng,Yingmei, Yang,Yanlei, Han,Qin, Shan,Guangliang, Meng,Fanyan, Du,Dongshu, Wang,Shihua, Fan,Junfen, Wang,Wenjing, Deng,Luchan, Shi,Hongbo, Li,Hongjun, Hu,Zhongjie, Zhang,Fengchun, Gao,Jinming, Liu,Hongjian, Li,Xiaoxia, Zhao,Yangyang, Yin,Kan, He,Xijing, Gao,Zhengchao, Wang,Yibin, Yang,Bo, Jin,Ronghua, Stambler,Ilia, Lim,Lee Wei, Su,Huanxing, Moskalev,Alexey, Cano,Antonio, Chakrabarti,Sasanka, Min,Kyung Jin, Ellison-Hughes,Georgina, Caruso,Calogero, Jin,Kunlin, Zhao,Robert Chunhua. Transplantation of ACE2- Mesenchymal stem cells improves the outcome of patients with covid-19 pneumonia[J]. Aging and Disease, 2020, 11(2), 216-228.
Authors:  Leng,Zikuan;  Zhu,Rongjia;  Hou,Wei;  Feng,Yingmei;  Yang,Yanlei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:840 TC[Scopus]:951  IF:7.0/7.1 | Submit date:2021/03/01
Ace2 Negative  Cell Transplantation  Covid-19  Function Recovery  Immunomodulation  Mesenchymal Stem Cells  
Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356 Other
Authors:  Klionsky, Daniel J.;  Abdelmohsen, Kotb;  Abe, Akihisa;  Abedin, Md Joynal;  Abeliovich, Hagai; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:432 TC[Scopus]:24 | Submit date:2022/07/20