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The influence of physiological environment on the targeting effect of aptamer-guided gold nanoparticles Journal article
Ding, Ding, Zhang, Yinling, Sykes, Edward A., Chen, Long, Chen, Zhuo, Tan, Weihong. The influence of physiological environment on the targeting effect of aptamer-guided gold nanoparticles[J]. NANO RESEARCH, 2019, 12(1), 129-135.
Authors:  Ding, Ding;  Zhang, Yinling;  Sykes, Edward A.;  Chen, Long;  Chen, Zhuo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:24 TC[Scopus]:23  IF:9.5/9.0 | Submit date:2019/01/17
Targeting Effect  Aptamer  Nanomedicine  Physiological Environment