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Application of molecular imprinting polymers in separation of active compounds from plants Journal article
Zhang, Luxuan, Yu, Hua, Chen, Haifang, Huang, Yinghong, Bakunina, Irina, de Sousa, Damião Pergentino, Sun, Mingna, Zhang, Jianye. Application of molecular imprinting polymers in separation of active compounds from plants[J]. Fitoterapia, 2022, 164, 105383.
Authors:  Zhang, Luxuan;  Yu, Hua;  Chen, Haifang;  Huang, Yinghong;  Bakunina, Irina; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:20 TC[Scopus]:22  IF:2.5/2.7 | Submit date:2023/02/08
Extraction  Molecular Imprinting  Molecular Imprinting Polymers  Plants  Separation