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Sale before Completion of Development: Pricing and Strategy Journal article
LAI, Rose Neng, Ko Wang, Yuqing Zhou. Sale before Completion of Development: Pricing and Strategy[J]. REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS, 2004, 32(2), 329-357.
Authors:  LAI, Rose Neng;  Ko Wang;  Yuqing Zhou
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:63 | Submit date:2019/10/21
Sale before completion of development: Pricing and strategy Conference paper
Lai, R.N., Wang, K., Zhou, Y.. Sale before completion of development: Pricing and strategy[C]:BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS, 2004, 329-357.
Authors:  Lai, R.N.;  Wang, K.;  Zhou, Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:63 | Submit date:2020/07/10
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