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Acute Stressors Reduce Neural Inhibition to Food Cues and Increase Eating Among Binge Eating Disorder Symptomatic Women Journal article
Zhenyong Lyu, Todd Jackson. Acute Stressors Reduce Neural Inhibition to Food Cues and Increase Eating Among Binge Eating Disorder Symptomatic Women[J]. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2016, 10(188).
Authors:  Zhenyong Lyu;  Todd Jackson
Favorite | TC[WOS]:22 TC[Scopus]:26  IF:2.6/3.2 | Submit date:2019/07/08
Acute Stress  Binge Eating  Cognitive Control  External Food Cues  Fmri  Food Consumption  
Neural Activation during Anticipation of Near Pain-Threshold Stimulation among the Pain-Fearful Journal article
Zhou Yang, Todd Jackson, Chengzhi Huang. Neural Activation during Anticipation of Near Pain-Threshold Stimulation among the Pain-Fearful[J]. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016, 10(342).
Authors:  Zhou Yang;  Todd Jackson;  Chengzhi Huang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:3.2/4.3 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Fear Of Pain  Functional Neuroimaging  Midcingulate Cortex  Pain Anticipation  Pain Intensity