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Γ-H2AX Formation is not Coupled to Elevations in Intracellular Ca2+, and Hyperactivation of PARP does not Facilitate AIF Translocation During ROS-induced Cell Death Conference paper
Xie, R., Lau, S.S., Monks, T.J.. Γ-H2AX Formation is not Coupled to Elevations in Intracellular Ca2+, and Hyperactivation of PARP does not Facilitate AIF Translocation During ROS-induced Cell Death[C], Bethesda, Maryland, United States:The FASEB Journal, 2008, 1140.4-1140.4.
Authors:  ; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/27
PARP-1  ROS  Calcium  cell death