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Introduction to the Study of Laozi, Zhuangzi and Liezi during 1911-1949 in China Journal article
YANG Jiahong, Yeung Siu Kwai. Introduction to the Study of Laozi, Zhuangzi and Liezi during 1911-1949 in China[J]. Global Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2024, 13(4), 1-3.
Authors:  YANG Jiahong;  Yeung Siu Kwai
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Laozi老子, Zhuangzi庄子, And Liezi列子, 1911-1949, China, Taoism  
論莊子學派理想社會說 Journal article
Yeung, S. K.. 論莊子學派理想社會說[J]. 南都學壇, 2017, 25-29.
Authors:  Yeung, S. K.
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先秦诸子思辨视野下的孔子形象——以论孟子对孔子的论述为中心 Journal article
杨兆贵, 沈锦发. 先秦诸子思辨视野下的孔子形象——以论孟子对孔子的论述为中心[J]. 暨南史学, 2015(01), 199-216.
Authors:  杨兆贵;  沈锦发
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孟子  孔子形象  《春秋》  圣人  庄子  荀子  
諸子思辨視野下的孔子形象──莊子及其後學對孔子的論述 Journal article
Yeung, S. K.. 諸子思辨視野下的孔子形象──莊子及其後學對孔子的論述[J]. 南都學壇, 2014, 22-27.
Authors:  Yeung, S. K.
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