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Bird's-eye view of analog and mixed-signal chips for the 21st century Journal article
Martins,Rui P., Mak,Pui In, Chan,Chi Hang, Yin,Jun, Zhu,Yan, Chen,Yong, Lu,Yan, Law,Man Kay, Sin,Sai Weng. Bird's-eye view of analog and mixed-signal chips for the 21st century[J]. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2021, 49(3), 746-761.
Authors:  Martins,Rui P.;  Mak,Pui In;  Chan,Chi Hang;  Yin,Jun;  Zhu,Yan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:1.8/1.7 | Submit date:2021/03/04
Analog And Mixed-signal Chips  Analog Digital Interface  Data Converters  Energy Harvesting  Integrated Power Converters  Internet Of Everything  Millimeter-wave Frequency Generators  Wireless Cellular Transceivers