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Destination competitiveness research over the past three decades: a computational literature review using topic modelling Journal article
Xia, Haiyang, Muskat, Birgit, Karl, Marion, Li, Gang, Law, Rob. Destination competitiveness research over the past three decades: a computational literature review using topic modelling[J]. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2024, 41(5), 726-742.
Authors:  Xia, Haiyang;  Muskat, Birgit;  Karl, Marion;  Li, Gang;  Law, Rob
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:8.2/8.5 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Bertopic  Comprehensive Literature Analysis  Computational Literature Review  Destination Competitiveness  Machine Learning Algorithm  Ordinary Least Squares Regression  Text Mining  Topic Modelling  Tourism  Tourist Destination  
Risk perception and visit intention on Olympic destination: Symmetric and asymmetric approaches Journal article
Choe, Yeongbae, Kim, Hany. Risk perception and visit intention on Olympic destination: Symmetric and asymmetric approaches[J]. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2021, 27(3), 3.
Authors:  Choe, Yeongbae;  Kim, Hany
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:4.5/4.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Destination Management  Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis  Host City Image  Risk Perceptions  Structural Equation Modelling  Visit Intention  
Effect of curing environment on the tensile behaviour of FRCM composites Journal article
Wang,Xuan, Lam,Chi Chiu, Sun,Bo Chao, Noguchi,Takafumi, Iu,Vai Pan. Effect of curing environment on the tensile behaviour of FRCM composites[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 238, 117729.
Authors:  Wang,Xuan;  Lam,Chi Chiu;  Sun,Bo Chao;  Noguchi,Takafumi;  Iu,Vai Pan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:7.4/8.0 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Analysis Modelling  Fabric-reinforced Cementitious Matrix (Frcm)  Material Characterization  Temperature And Humidity  Tensile Test  
Comparative study of middle school students' attitudes towards science: Rasch analysis of entire TIMSS 2011 attitudinal data for England, Singapore and the USA as well as psychometric properties of attitudes scale Journal article
Tee, Oon Pey, Subramaniam, R.. Comparative study of middle school students' attitudes towards science: Rasch analysis of entire TIMSS 2011 attitudinal data for England, Singapore and the USA as well as psychometric properties of attitudes scale[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION, 2018, 40(3), 268-290.
Authors:  Tee, Oon Pey;  Subramaniam, R.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:2.2/3.1 | Submit date:2018/10/31
Attitudes Towards Science  Timss 2011  Rasch Modelling Analysis  England  Singapore  The u  s  a  
Comparative study of middle school students’ attitudes towards science: Rasch analysis of entire TIMSS 2011 attitudinal data for England, Singapore and the U.S.A. as well as psychometric properties of attitudes scale Journal article
Pey Tee,Oon, Subramaniam,R.. Comparative study of middle school students’ attitudes towards science: Rasch analysis of entire TIMSS 2011 attitudinal data for England, Singapore and the U.S.A. as well as psychometric properties of attitudes scale[J]. International Journal of Science Education, 2018, 40(3), 268-290.
Authors:  Pey Tee,Oon;  Subramaniam,R.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:11 | Submit date:2019/09/04
Attitudes Towards Science  England  Rasch Modelling Analysis  Singapore  The U.s.a  Timss 2011  
Reliability analysis using a 'Taylor expansionexpected value' saddlepoint approximation Journal article
Jia Wang, Siu-Kui Au, Ka-Veng Yuen. Reliability analysis using a 'Taylor expansionexpected value' saddlepoint approximation[J]. International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2010, 5(1), 44-65.
Authors:  Jia Wang;  Siu-Kui Au;  Ka-Veng Yuen
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2019/02/12
Cgf  Cumulant Generating Function  Failure Probability  Reliability Analysis  Saddlepoint Approximation  Cumulative Distribution Function  Ten-storey Shear Building  Modelling  White Noise Excitation  
Dynamic Modelling and Stability Analysis of Model-Scale Helicopters with Bell-Hiller Stabilizing Bar Conference paper
Cunha, R, Silvestre, C. Dynamic Modelling and Stability Analysis of Model-Scale Helicopters with Bell-Hiller Stabilizing Bar[C], Reston, VA:AIAA, 2003, 1-11.
Authors:  Cunha, R;  Silvestre, C
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/26
Dynamic Modelling  Stability Analysis  Model-Scale Helicopters  Bell-Hiller Stabilizing Bar