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Inequality, leverage and crises: Theory and evidence revisited Journal article
Xinhua Gu, Pui Sun Tam, Yang Zhang, Chun Kwok Lei. Inequality, leverage and crises: Theory and evidence revisited[J]. World Economy, 2019, 42(8), 2280-2299.
Authors:  Xinhua Gu;  Pui Sun Tam;  Yang Zhang;  Chun Kwok Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:2.6/2.5 | Submit date:2019/11/01
Asset Bubble  Gmm Regression  Inequality  Leverage  Theoretical Framework  Financial Crisis  
Inequality, leverage and crises, theory and evidence revisited Journal article
Gu, X. H., Tam, P. S., Zhang, Y., Lei, C. K.. Inequality, leverage and crises, theory and evidence revisited[J]. World Economy, 2019, 2280-2299.
Authors:  Gu, X. H.;  Tam, P. S.;  Zhang, Y.;  Lei, C. K.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:10 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Asset Bubble  Financial Crisis  Gmm Regression  Inequality  Leverage  Theoretical Framework