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Low-Cost Approximation-Based Adaptive Tracking Control of Output-Constrained Nonlinear Systems Journal article
Zhao,Kai, Song,Yongduan, Meng,Wenchao, Chen,C. L.P., Chen,Long. Low-Cost Approximation-Based Adaptive Tracking Control of Output-Constrained Nonlinear Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020, 32(11), 4890-4900.
Authors:  Zhao,Kai;  Song,Yongduan;  Meng,Wenchao;  Chen,C. L.P.;  Chen,Long
Favorite | TC[WOS]:70 TC[Scopus]:75  IF:10.2/10.4 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Asymmetric Output Constraint  Neural Adaptive Control  Nonlinear Systems  Universal Barrier Function.