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A discrete moth-flame optimization algorithm for multiple automated guided vehicles scheduling problem in a matrix manufacturing workshop Journal article
Zeng, Junhai, Xie, Wei, Pan, Mi. A discrete moth-flame optimization algorithm for multiple automated guided vehicles scheduling problem in a matrix manufacturing workshop[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 163, 111846.
Authors:  Zeng, Junhai;  Xie, Wei;  Pan, Mi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:7.2/7.0 | Submit date:2024/07/04
Automated Guided Vehicle  Discrete Moth-flame Optimization  Matrix Manufacturing Workshop  Scheduling  
A Unity-Power-Factor Inductive Power Transfer Converter with Inherent CC-to-CV Transition Ability for Automated Guided Vehicle Charging Conference paper
Iam,Io Wa, Hoi,Iok U., Huang,Zhicong, Lam,Chi Seng, Mak,Pui In, Martins,Rui P.. A Unity-Power-Factor Inductive Power Transfer Converter with Inherent CC-to-CV Transition Ability for Automated Guided Vehicle Charging[C], 2020, 5257-5261.
Authors:  Iam,Io Wa;  Hoi,Iok U.;  Huang,Zhicong;  Lam,Chi Seng;  Mak,Pui In; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2021/03/04
Automated Guided Vehicle (Agv)  Charging Reliability  Inherent Cc-to-cv Transition Ability  Unity-power-factor Design