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Isolation and characterization of Rhodococcus sp. GG1 for metabolic degradation of chloroxylenol Journal article
Xiaoyuan Guo, Lan Qiu, Zhiwei Liang, Qihong Lu, Shanquan Wang, Hojae Shim. Isolation and characterization of Rhodococcus sp. GG1 for metabolic degradation of chloroxylenol[J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 338, 139462.
Authors:  Xiaoyuan Guo;  Lan Qiu;  Zhiwei Liang;  Qihong Lu;  Shanquan Wang; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:6  IF:8.1/7.7 | Submit date:2023/07/09
Pcmx  Rhodococcus  Biodegradation  Environmental Adaptation  Metabolic Pathway  Cyp450  
Effect of manganese and ferric ions on the degradation of DI-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) by acinetobacter SP. SN13 Book chapter
出自: Micropollutants: Sources, Ecotoxicological Effects and Control Strategies:Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2017, 页码:45-67
Authors:  de Toledo R.A.;  Xu J.;  Chao U.H.;  Shim H.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/02/14
Acinetobacter Sp.  Biodegradation Pathway  Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate  Growth Kinetics  Microelements