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A 0.4 v 6.4 μw 3.3 MHz CMOS Bootstrapped Relaxation Oscillator with ±0.71% Frequency Deviation over -30 to 100 °c for Wearable and Sensing Applications Conference paper
Ka-Meng Lei, Pui-In Mak, R. P. Martins. A 0.4 v 6.4 μw 3.3 MHz CMOS Bootstrapped Relaxation Oscillator with ±0.71% Frequency Deviation over -30 to 100 °c for Wearable and Sensing Applications[C], 2018.
Authors:  Ka-Meng Lei;  Pui-In Mak;  R. P. Martins
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Bootstrap  Bulk-driven Amplifier  Cmos  Relaxation Oscillator (Rxo)  Ultra-low-voltage (Ulv)  Wearable Devices  
A 0.4 V 6.4 μW 3.3 MHz CMOS Bootstrapped Relaxation Oscillator with ±0.71% Frequency Deviation over −30 to 100 °C for Wearable and Sensing Applications Conference paper
Lei, K. M., Mak, P. I., Martins, R. P.. A 0.4 V 6.4 μW 3.3 MHz CMOS Bootstrapped Relaxation Oscillator with ±0.71% Frequency Deviation over −30 to 100 °C for Wearable and Sensing Applications[C], 2018.
Authors:  Lei, K. M.;  Mak, P. I.;  Martins, R. P.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2022/01/24
Cmos  Relaxation Oscillator (Rxo)  Bootstrap  Bulk-driven Amplifier  Ultra-low-voltage (Ulv)  Wearable Devices