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Self-Amplified pH/ROS Dual-Responsive Co-Delivery Nano-System with Chemo-Photodynamic Combination Therapy in Hepatic Carcinoma Treatment Journal article
Huang, Yu, Wu, Shuyang, Li, Jingjing, He, Chenglin, Cheng, Yanfen, Li, Nan, Wang, Yitao, Wu, Yihan, Zhang, Jinming. Self-Amplified pH/ROS Dual-Responsive Co-Delivery Nano-System with Chemo-Photodynamic Combination Therapy in Hepatic Carcinoma Treatment[J]. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2024, 19, 3737-3751.
Authors:  Huang, Yu;  Wu, Shuyang;  Li, Jingjing;  He, Chenglin;  Cheng, Yanfen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Ce6  Hepatic Carcinoma  Pdt  Ph Responsive  Ros  Triptolide  
Constructing passivation film on plain carbon steel similar to that on 316L stainless steel Journal article
An, Hongze, Yuan, Hengyi, Fan, Meiqing, Lei, Bing, Feng, Zhiyuan, Guo, Honglei, Zhang, Ping, Wang, Jun, Yang, Xiaodong, Meng, Guozhe, Zhang, Bin. Constructing passivation film on plain carbon steel similar to that on 316L stainless steel[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 26, 807-822.
Authors:  An, Hongze;  Yuan, Hengyi;  Fan, Meiqing;  Lei, Bing;  Feng, Zhiyuan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:6.2/6.3 | Submit date:2023/08/26
Ce–mo–cr–ni Film  High Corrosion Resistance  Self-repairing  Steel Rebar  Concrete Simulation Solution  
Injectable, pro-osteogenic and antioxidant composite microspheres composed of cerium-containing mesoporous bioactive glass and chitosan for bone regeneration applications Journal article
Xu,Weijie, Qin,Ziyue, Xu,Rongyao, Li,Shengke, Zheng,Kai, Tan,Huaping. Injectable, pro-osteogenic and antioxidant composite microspheres composed of cerium-containing mesoporous bioactive glass and chitosan for bone regeneration applications[J]. Ceramics International, 2023, 49(15), 25757-25766.
Authors:  Xu,Weijie;  Qin,Ziyue;  Xu,Rongyao;  Li,Shengke;  Zheng,Kai; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:5.1/4.7 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Antioxidant  Ce-mbgns  Chitosan  Microspheres  Osteogenic Activity  
Quantitative estimation of enzymatic released specific oligosaccharides from Hericium erinaceus polysaccharides using CE-LIF Journal article
Deng,Yong, Zhao,Jing, Li,Shaoping. Quantitative estimation of enzymatic released specific oligosaccharides from Hericium erinaceus polysaccharides using CE-LIF[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2023, 13(2), 201-208.
Authors:  Deng,Yong;  Zhao,Jing;  Li,Shaoping
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:6.1/6.8 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Ce-lif  Hericium Erinaceus  Pace  Polysaccharide  Saccharide Mapping  
A facilitated synthesis of hierarchically porous Cu–Ce–Zr catalyst using bacterial cellulose for VOCs oxidation Journal article
Dou,Baojuan, Zhao,Ruozhu, Yan,Ningna, Zhao,Chenchen, Hao,Qinglan, Hui,K. S., Hui,Kwun Nam. A facilitated synthesis of hierarchically porous Cu–Ce–Zr catalyst using bacterial cellulose for VOCs oxidation[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 237, 121852.
Authors:  Dou,Baojuan;  Zhao,Ruozhu;  Yan,Ningna;  Zhao,Chenchen;  Hao,Qinglan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:4.3/4.1 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Bacterial Cellulose  Catalytic Oxidation  Cu–ce–zr Catalyst  Hierarchical Pore  Volatile Organic Compounds  
Luminescence of Tb(3)Al(5)O(12 )phosphors co-doped with Ce3+/Gd3+ for white light-emitting diodes Journal article
Yu-Guo Yang, Lei Wei, Jian-Hua Xu, Hua-Jian Yu, Yan-Yan Hu, Hua-Di Zhang, Xu-Ping Wang, Bing Liu, Cong Zhang, Qing-Gang Li. Luminescence of Tb(3)Al(5)O(12 )phosphors co-doped with Ce3+/Gd3+ for white light-emitting diodes[J]. BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2019, 10, 1237-1242.
Authors:  Yu-Guo Yang;  Lei Wei;  Jian-Hua Xu;  Hua-Jian Yu;  Yan-Yan Hu; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:23 TC[Scopus]:22  IF:2.6/2.9 | Submit date:2020/03/10
Luminescence  Tb3al5o12  ce3+/gd3+  White Light-emitting Diodes (Wleds)  
Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity and brain states in Alzheimer’s diseases: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study Journal article
Haijing Niu, Zhaojun Zhu, Mengjing Wan, Xuanyu Li, Zhen Yuan, Yu Sun, Ying Han. Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity and brain states in Alzheimer’s diseases: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study[J]. Neurophotonics, 2019, 6(2), 025010.
Authors:  Haijing Niu;  Zhaojun Zhu;  Mengjing Wan;  Xuanyu Li;  Zhen Yuan; et al.
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:36 TC[Scopus]:34 | Submit date:2022/08/21
CommunicAtion WithIn The BraIn Is Highly Dynamic. AlzheI.e.’s dIseAse (Ad) ExhibIts Dynamic.progression COrrespondIng To a DeclIne In MemOry And Cognition. HoWever, Little Is Known Of wheTher BraIn Dynamic. Are dIsrupted In Ad And Its Prodromal Stage, Mild CognitI.e.impairment (Mci). FOr Our Study, We AcquI.e. High samplIng RAte Functional near-InfrAred Spectroscopy imagIng DAta At Rest From The EntI.e.cOrtex Of 23 pAtients With Ad Dementia, 25 pAtients With Amnestic Mild CognitI.e.impairment (aMci), And 30 age-mAtched Healthy Controls (Hcs). slidIng-wIndow cOrrelAtion And K-means clusterIng Analyses Were Used To Construct Dynamic.Functional Connectivity (Fc) Maps FOr Each Participant. We dIscovered thAt The BraIn’s Dynamic.Fc Variability Strength (q) Significantly IncreAsed In Both aMci And Ad Group As compAred To Hcs. usIng The q Value As a meAsurement, The clAssificAtion perFOrmance ExhibI.e. a Good poWer In differentiAtIng aMci [Area Under The Curve (Auc ¼ 82.5%)] Or Ad (Auc ¼ 86.4%) From Hcs. furThermOre, We Identified Two abnOrmal BraIn Fc stAtes In The Ad Group, Of Which The Occurrence Frequency (f) ExhibI.e. a Significant decreAse FOr The First-level Fc stAte (stAte 1) And a Significant IncreAse FOr The Second-level Fc stAte (stAte 2). We Also Found thAt The abnOrmal f In These Two stAtes Significantly cOrrelAted With The CognitI.e.impairment In pAtients. These fIndIngs provI.e.The First EvI.e.ce To demonstRAte The dIsruptions Of Dynamic.BraIn Connectivity In aMci And Ad And Extend The trAditional stAtic (I.e., tI.e.averaged) Fc fIndIngs In The dIseAse (I.e., dIsconnection Syndrome) And Thus provI.e.Insights InTo UnderstAndIng The pAthophysiological mechanIsms occurrIng In aMci And Ad.  
Synthesis and luminescent properties of Eu3+, Eu3+/Bi3+ and Gd3+ codoped YAG:Ce3+ phosphors and their potential applications in warm white light-emitting diodes Journal article
Yuguo Yang, Jing Li, Bing Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xianshun Lv, Lei Wei, Xuping Wang, Jianhua Xu, Huajian Yu, Yanyan Hu, Huadi Zhang, Ling Ma, Jiyang Wang. Synthesis and luminescent properties of Eu3+, Eu3+/Bi3+ and Gd3+ codoped YAG:Ce3+ phosphors and their potential applications in warm white light-emitting diodes[J]. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 2017, 685, 89-94.
Authors:  Yuguo Yang;  Jing Li;  Bing Liu;  Yuanyuan Zhang;  Xianshun Lv; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:47 TC[Scopus]:50  IF:2.8/2.4 | Submit date:2020/03/11
Yag:Ce3++++  Ions Codoping  Warm Wleds  
Investigation of particle characteristics, composition and microstructure of La x Ce 1 − x O 2 − x/2 thermal barrier coatings during supersonic atmospheric plasma spray using Box–Behnken design Journal article
Liu K., Bai Y., Kang Y.X., Zhang L., Tang J.J., Wang Y., Li J.R., Chen H.Y., Fan W., Li B.Q., Song X.L.. Investigation of particle characteristics, composition and microstructure of La x Ce 1 − x O 2 − x/2 thermal barrier coatings during supersonic atmospheric plasma spray using Box–Behnken design[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2016, 286, 9-15.
Authors:  Liu K.;  Bai Y.;  Kang Y.X.;  Zhang L.;  Tang J.J.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:8 | Submit date:2019/04/08
La 2 Ce 2 o 7  Particle Temperature  Particle Velocity  Supersonic Atmospheric Plasma Spraying  Thermal Barrier Coatings  
How Customer Experience Affects the Customer-Based Brand Equity for Tourism Destinations Journal article
Yang,Yan, Liu,Xiaoming, Li,Jun. How Customer Experience Affects the Customer-Based Brand Equity for Tourism Destinations[J]. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2015, 32, S97-S113.
Authors:  Yang,Yan;  Liu,Xiaoming;  Li,Jun
Favorite | TC[WOS]:53 TC[Scopus]:67 | Submit date:2019/08/15
Customer ExperienCe (Ce)  Customer-based Brand Equity For Tourism Destination (Cbbetd)  Mainland Chinese Outbound Tourists  Service Performance  Word-of-mouth (Wom)