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Apparitions and Atmospheres: an Introduction to the Special Issue “On Gases, Clouds, Fogs and Mists” Journal article
Hodges, Benjamin Kidder. Apparitions and Atmospheres: an Introduction to the Special Issue “On Gases, Clouds, Fogs and Mists”[J]. Coolabah, 2023, 34, 1-6.
Authors:  Hodges, Benjamin Kidder
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Speculative Fiction  Atmospheres  Climate Futures  Folklore  
Future Clouds: diatoms, speculation and weather modification Journal article
Hodges, Benjamin Kidder. Future Clouds: diatoms, speculation and weather modification[J]. Coolabah, 2023, 34, 112-120.
Authors:  Hodges, Benjamin Kidder
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/31
Diatoms  Atmospheres  Climate Futures  Speculation