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Uncovering the metabolic pathway of novel Burkholderia sp. for efficient triclosan degradation and implication: Insight from exogenous bioaugmentation and toxicity pressure Journal article
Lan Qiu, Xiaoyuan Guo, Zhiwei Liang, Qihong Lu, Shanquan Wang, Hojae Shim. Uncovering the metabolic pathway of novel Burkholderia sp. for efficient triclosan degradation and implication: Insight from exogenous bioaugmentation and toxicity pressure[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 334, 122111.
Authors:  Lan Qiu;  Xiaoyuan Guo;  Zhiwei Liang;  Qihong Lu;  Shanquan Wang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:7.6/8.3 | Submit date:2023/06/24
Tcs  Aerobic Biodegradation  Antimicrobial Agent  Toxicity Stress  Bacteria  Community Succession