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Portuguese-speaking Small Island Developing States Book
Leandro, Francisco, Galan, Enrique, Goncalves, Paulo. Portuguese-speaking Small Island Developing States[M]. First. Singapore:Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 495.
Authors:  Leandro, Francisco;  Galan, Enrique;  Goncalves, Paulo
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Portuguese-speaking Countries  Small Island Developing States  Comparative Development Studies  Development Process And Achievements Of Former Colonies  Development Of Cape Verde  Development Of São Tomé And Principe  Development Of Timor-leste  Fifty Years After Independence  Small Island Developing States Studies  African Studies  Asian Studies  
An Overview of Mathematics Curricula in the East and West ———Summary of Reports at the 2002 Chongqing Mathematics Education Conference Journal article
ZHANG Dianzhou, ZHANG Guoxiang, SONG Naiqing. An Overview of Mathematics Curricula in the East and West ———Summary of Reports at the 2002 Chongqing Mathematics Education Conference[J]. Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science), 2003, 28(1), 1-10.
Authors:  ZHANG Dianzhou;  ZHANG Guoxiang;  SONG Naiqing
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Mathematics Education  Curriculum Development  Learning Technology  Comparative Studies