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The potentials for incidental vocabulary acquisition from listening to computer science academic lectures: a higher education corpus-based case study from Macau Journal article
Reynolds, Barry Lee, Xie, Xiaowen, Pham, Quy Huynh Phu. The potentials for incidental vocabulary acquisition from listening to computer science academic lectures: a higher education corpus-based case study from Macau[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14.
Authors:  Reynolds, Barry Lee;  Xie, Xiaowen;  Pham, Quy Huynh Phu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:2.6/3.3 | Submit date:2024/02/23
Case Study  Computer Science  Corpora  Emi  Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  Lectures  
Hedges na linguagem oral produzidos pelos falantes brasileiros e chineses. Book chapter
出自: Lingística Contrastiva: Estudos Português-Chinês:University of Macau, 2022, 页码:23-50
Authors:  Sun, Yuqi
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/08/10
Hedges  Português  Chinês  Pragmática  Corpora  
Exploring the Meanings and Grammatical Functions of Idioms in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Journal article
Wang, S., Luo, H.. Exploring the Meanings and Grammatical Functions of Idioms in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language[J]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2021, 31(2), 283-300.
Authors:  Wang, S.;  Luo, H.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:1.5/1.9 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Corpora  Grammatical Functions  Idioms  Meanings  Teaching Chinese As a Second Language  
Corpus-based Statistical Analysis of Polysemous Words in Legislative Chinese and General Chinese Book chapter
出自: Chinese Lexical Semantics, GERMANY:Springer, 2020, 页码:661-673
Authors:  Wang, S.;  Yin, J.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2022/08/05
Legislative Chinese  General Chinese  Polysemous Words  Corpora  
A Corpus-based Study of Keywords in Legislative Chinese and General Chinese Book chapter
出自: Chinese Lexical Semantics, GERMANY:Springer, 2020, 页码:639-653
Authors:  Wang, S.;  Yin, J.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2022/08/05
Keywords  Legislative Chinese  General Chinese  Corpora  
Chinese Multiword Expressions: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives Book
Wang, S.. Chinese Multiword Expressions: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives[M]. Singapore:Springer, 2020.
Authors:  Wang, S.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:11 | Submit date:2022/08/05
Multiword Expressions (Mwes)  Chinese As a Second Language (Csl)  Textbooks  Corpora