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How green marketing practices improve customer loyalty: the mediating role of green corporate image and the moderating role of green self-identity in the new energy vehicle market Journal article
Yang, Kaixin, Bu, Huimei, Huang, Rui, Liu, Matthew Tingchi. How green marketing practices improve customer loyalty: the mediating role of green corporate image and the moderating role of green self-identity in the new energy vehicle market[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2024.
Authors:  Yang, Kaixin;  Bu, Huimei;  Huang, Rui;  Liu, Matthew Tingchi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.9/4.6 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Green Marketing Practices  Green Corporate Image  Customer Loyalty  Green Self-identity  New Energy Vehicle Market  
CSR and casino hotel branding: The joint moderation of CSR misfit and corporate awareness Journal article
Lau, Virginia Meng-Chan, Ren, Lianping, Yang, Fiona X.. CSR and casino hotel branding: The joint moderation of CSR misfit and corporate awareness[J]. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2021, 49, 375-384.
Authors:  Lau, Virginia Meng-Chan;  Ren, Lianping;  Yang, Fiona X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:7.6/8.3 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Casino Hotels  Corporate Awareness  Corporate Image  Corporate Loyalty  Corporate Social Responsibility  Csr Fit  
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry Journal article
Matthew Tingchi Liu, Yongdan Liu, Ziying Mo, Zhidong Zhao, Zhenghao Zhu. How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2019, 32(1).
Authors:  Matthew Tingchi Liu;  Yongdan Liu;  Ziying Mo;  Zhidong Zhao;  Zhenghao Zhu
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:82 TC[Scopus]:98  IF:3.9/4.6 | Submit date:2019/10/17
China  Corporate Social Responsibility  Brand Image  Hotel  Customer Trust  Customer Behavioural Loyalty