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NIR II-Excited and pH-Responsive Ultrasmall Nanoplatform for Deep Optical Tissue and Drug Delivery Penetration and Effective Cancer Chemophototherapy Journal article
Zhu, L., Gao, D., Xie, L., Dai, Y., Zhao, Q.. NIR II-Excited and pH-Responsive Ultrasmall Nanoplatform for Deep Optical Tissue and Drug Delivery Penetration and Effective Cancer Chemophototherapy[J]. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2020, 3720-3729.
Authors:  Zhu, L.;  Gao, D.;  Xie, L.;  Dai, Y.;  Zhao, Q.
Favorite |   IF:4.5/4.6 | Submit date:2023/08/25
ultrasmall CuS nanoparticles  optical tissue penetration  drug delivery penetration  photothermal imaging  chemophototherapy  
NIR II-excited and ph-responsive ultrasmall nanoplatform for deep optical tissue and drug delivery penetration and effective cancer chemophototherapy Journal article
Zhu,Lipeng, Gao,Duyang, Xie,Lisi, Dai,Yunlu, Zhao, Qi. NIR II-excited and ph-responsive ultrasmall nanoplatform for deep optical tissue and drug delivery penetration and effective cancer chemophototherapy[J]. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2020, 17(10), 3720-3729.
Authors:  Zhu,Lipeng;  Gao,Duyang;  Xie,Lisi;  Dai,Yunlu;  Zhao, Qi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:25 TC[Scopus]:26  IF:4.5/4.6 | Submit date:2021/03/04
Chemophototherapy  Drug Delivery Penetration  Optical Tissue Penetration  Photothermal Imaging  Ultrasmall Cus Nanoparticles  
CuS Nanoparticles as a Photodynamic Nanoswitch for Abrogating Bypass Signaling To Overcome Gefitinib Resistance Journal article
Xiajing Gu, Yuanyuan Qiu, Miao Lin, Kai Cui, Gaoxian Chen, Yingzhi Chen, Chenchen Fan, Yongming Zhang, Lu Xu, Hongzhuan Chen, Jian-Bo Wan, Wei Lu, Zeyu Xiao. CuS Nanoparticles as a Photodynamic Nanoswitch for Abrogating Bypass Signaling To Overcome Gefitinib Resistance[J]. NANO LETTERS, 2019, 19(5), 3344-3352.
Authors:  Xiajing Gu;  Yuanyuan Qiu;  Miao Lin;  Kai Cui;  Gaoxian Chen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:43 TC[Scopus]:45  IF:9.6/10.1 | Submit date:2020/04/22
Gefitinib  Cus Nanoparticles  Non-small Cell Lung Cancer  Rug Resistance  Active Oxygen Species  
Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near-infrared I and II biological windows Journal article
Yubin Liu, Duyang Gao, Mengze Xu, Zhen Yuan. Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near-infrared I and II biological windows[J]. JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS, 2019, 12(3).
Authors:  Yubin Liu;  Duyang Gao;  Mengze Xu;  Zhen Yuan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:2.0/2.6 | Submit date:2020/06/24
Cus Nanoparticles  Nir-ii Biological Windows  Photoacoustic Imaging  Quantitative Imaging  Multispectral  
Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near‐infrared I and II biological windows Journal article
Yubing Liu, Duyang gao, Mengze Xu, Zhen Yuan. Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near‐infrared I and II biological windows[J]. Journal of biophotonics, 2019, 12(3), e201800237.
Authors:  Yubing Liu;  Duyang gao;  Mengze Xu;  Zhen Yuan
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:2.0/2.6 | Submit date:2022/08/21
Cus Nanoparticles, Multispectral, Nir-ii Biological Windows, Photoacoustic Imaging, Quantitative Imaging