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A mixed-methods study of the incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary and healthcare knowledge through serious game play Journal article
Soyoof, Ali, Reynolds, Barry Lee, Shadiev, Rustam, Vazquez-Calvo, Boris. A mixed-methods study of the incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary and healthcare knowledge through serious game play[J]. COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING, 2024, 37(1-2), 27-60.
Authors:  Soyoof, Ali;  Reynolds, Barry Lee;  Shadiev, Rustam;  Vazquez-Calvo, Boris
Favorite | TC[WOS]:24 TC[Scopus]:31  IF:6.0/6.8 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Content Learning  Digital Game-based Language Learning  Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  Perception  Serious Games  
Vocabulary Learning in the Wild Book
Barry Lee Reynolds. Vocabulary Learning in the Wild[M]. 1. Singapore:Springer Nature, 2023, 356.
Authors:  Barry Lee Reynolds
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2023/06/22
Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition  Incidental Vocabulary Learning  Informal Vocabulary Learning  Second Language Vocabulary  Digital Game-based Learning  Involvement Load Hypothesis  Video And Vocabulary Learning  Subtitles And Vocabulary  Captions And Vocabulary  Eye-tracking And Vocabulary