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Effect of Grain Size Distribution of Sandy Soil on Shearing Behaviors at Soil–Structure Interface Journal article
Wang, H. L., Zhou, W. H., Yin, Z. Y., Jie, X. X.. Effect of Grain Size Distribution of Sandy Soil on Shearing Behaviors at Soil–Structure Interface[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 04019238-1-04019238-10.
Authors:  Wang, H. L.;  Zhou, W. H.;  Yin, Z. Y.;  Jie, X. X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:52 TC[Scopus]:60  IF:3.1/3.6 | Submit date:2022/08/19
Soil–structure Interface  Grain Size Distribution  Coefficient Of Uniformity  Friction Angle  Dilatancy.