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The Impact of Corporate Governance on Informative Earnings Management in the Chinese Market Journal article
ZHIJUN LIN, MING LIU, CARLOS NORONHA. The Impact of Corporate Governance on Informative Earnings Management in the Chinese Market[J]. ABACUS-A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies, 2016, 52(3), 568-609.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:32 TC[Scopus]:36  IF:2.5/2.8 | Submit date:2019/08/01
Chinese Accounting  Corporate Governance  Discretionary Accruals  Earnings Management  Informative Earnings Management  
The impact of corporate governance on informative earnings management in China Conference paper
Noronha, C., Liu, M.. The impact of corporate governance on informative earnings management in China[C], Hawaii:APC, 2012.
Authors:  Noronha, C.;  Liu, M.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/15
Earnings management  Informative earnings management  Corporate governance  Discretionary accruals  Chinese accounting