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Hybrid Architectures and Controllers for Low-Dropout Regulators Book chapter
出自: Analog Circuits and Signal Processing, Switzerland:Springer, 2023, 页码:281-307
Authors:  Xiangyu Mao;  Mo Huang;  Yan Lu;  Rui P. Martins
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Cmos  Digital Ldo  Dynamic Voltage And Frequency Scaling (Dvfs)  Fine-grained  Linear Regulator  Low-dropout Regulator (Ldo)  Power Management  Switching Ldo  
A 1.2-A Calibration-Free Hybrid LDO With In-Loop Quantization and Auxiliary Constant Current Control Achieving High Accuracy and Fast DVS Journal article
Xiangyu Mao, Yan Lu, Rui P. Martins. A 1.2-A Calibration-Free Hybrid LDO With In-Loop Quantization and Auxiliary Constant Current Control Achieving High Accuracy and Fast DVS[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2022, 69(11), 4443-4452.
Authors:  Xiangyu Mao;  Yan Lu;  Rui P. Martins
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:5.2/4.5 | Submit date:2022/09/09
Calibration  Codes  Digital  Distributed Power Delivery  Dynamic Voltage And Frequency Scaling (Dvfs)  Fully-integrated Voltage Regulator (Fivr)  Hybrid Control  Hybrid Power Systems  Low-dropout Regulator (Ldo)  Power Transistors  Quantization (Signal)  Thermometers  Voltage Control  
A 0.15-V, 44.73% PCE charge pump with CMOS differential ring-VCO for energy harvesting systems Journal article
Pakkirisami Churchill, Kishore Kumar, Ramiah, Harikrishnan, Chong, Gabriel, Ahmad, Mohd Yazed, Yin, Jun, Mak, Pui In, Martins, Rui P.. A 0.15-V, 44.73% PCE charge pump with CMOS differential ring-VCO for energy harvesting systems[J]. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2022, 111(1), 35-43.
Authors:  Pakkirisami Churchill, Kishore Kumar;  Ramiah, Harikrishnan;  Chong, Gabriel;  Ahmad, Mohd Yazed;  Yin, Jun; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:1.2/1.0 | Submit date:2022/05/04
Charge Pump  Dc-to-dc Conversion  Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (Dvfs)  Energy Harvesting  Ring-voltage ContRolled Oscillator (Ro)  
A Multiphase Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter Ring With Fast Transient Response and Small Ripple Journal article
Lu, Yan, Jiang, Junmin, Ki, Wing-Hung. A Multiphase Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter Ring With Fast Transient Response and Small Ripple[J]. IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, 2017, 52(2), 579-591.
Authors:  Lu, Yan;  Jiang, Junmin;  Ki, Wing-Hung
Favorite | TC[WOS]:53 TC[Scopus]:63  IF:4.6/5.6 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Amplifier  Charge Pump  Converter Ring  Dc-dc Converter  Dynamic Voltage And Frequency Scaling (Dvfs)  Low Dropout (Ldo) Regulator  Multiphase  N-path Filter  Switched-capacitor Power Converter (Scpc)  Voltage-controlled Oscillator (Vco)