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Exploring the roles of excess amino acids, creatine, creatinine, and glucose in the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines by UPLC-MS/MS Journal article
Zhang, Haolin, Lv, Xiaomei, Su, Weiming, Chen, Bing Huei, Lai, Yu Wen, Xie, Ruiwei, Lin, Qiuyi, Chen, Lei, Cao, Hui. Exploring the roles of excess amino acids, creatine, creatinine, and glucose in the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines by UPLC-MS/MS[J]. Food Chemistry, 2024, 446, 138760.
Authors:  Zhang, Haolin;  Lv, Xiaomei;  Su, Weiming;  Chen, Bing Huei;  Lai, Yu Wen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:8.5/8.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Carcinogen  Excess Addition  Formation Mechanism  Inhibitor  Lc-ms  Precursor